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I empower students to create their

unique career path

About the counsellor

My story began as a Biology teacher about 20 years ago in the halls of an educational institution.

 However, my relationship with my students was never confined to the four walls of my classroom. Our shared inquisitiveness led to conversations outside the bounds of school that often turned into long chats about their hopes and dreams, leaving me perplexed by the ambitions these young souls carried. The decision-making capability of my students, be it for the subjects they wished to study in high school or pursue at university, or the career paths they wished to choose thereafter, is something I have always admired. I truly enjoyed being a part of this process; chipping in and guiding them wherever I could, whilst also understanding the unique journey of each student.

I also have two young children of my own who are in the process of shaping their future. One is an adventurous soul, a seafarer, sailing across the world, experiencing both freedom and discipline; and the other one, a multipotentialite, who may pursue all of her interests, sequentially or simultaneously, but for now, is studying to be a lawyer, her prime calling. 

Having always been an inquisitive participant in the career-path discovery for my students, I aroused the entrepreneur in me and started my journey as a Career Counsellor to provide personal, detailed scientific career counselling, in pursuit of inciting purpose in the lives of talented students by guiding them on the correct career path. 

My motto is to help students discover their sense of self and purpose, and provide them with the right guidance to translate their passions into reality.


  • MSc Botany, Delhi University
  • Global Career Counsellor – Univariety & UCLA
  • International Certified Career Coach (Foundation) – Career Development Alliance(USA) &Mindler


Services Offered



Psychometric tests are a series of scientific, investigative queries used to explore your attitude, skills and interests to assess your personality. These tests are frequently used for educational guidance as they match your interests with possible career options and are quite indicative of areas that you can excel in.

Most times you are limited to taking academic tests in your educational institutions. These tests are not, however, the most accurate predictors of your success in the future. They only evaluate your learnt and recalled knowledge of concepts in subjects like Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, History, Geography, etc. They do not measure skills of Critical thinking, Communication, Creativity, Problem solving, Perseverance, Collaboration etc. or your aptitude that evaluates or natural ability to perform specific tasks.


By taking the psychometric tests you can

  • understand yourselves and your capabilities better.
  • be self-aware about your strengths and challenges.
  • explore fields of study that match your personality, skills, aptitude and interests.
  • assess your suitability for a particular field of study.
  • ·make an informed choice of the career you wish to pursue.

An ideal time to take the psychometric tests would be in Class X as you prepare yourself to enter Senior School and get to choose what subjects you study OR in Class XII as you prepare to specialise in your subjects that will lead to your dream college and career.

There are essentially three streams that you would choose in class XI, namely – Science, Commerce and Humanities. Over several years in the past, students have had to study subjects within the chosen stream only. However, the New Education Policy-2020 has suggested doing away with the rigid stream selection rules.
‘As per the scheme of studies of CBSE, students are allowed to offer any combination of subjects , without any streaming’ (as per CBSE Circular on stream selection)
Is it therefore as easy as that sounds? Here is the challenge. If you wish to pursue Medicine, you have to essentially choose English, Physics, Chemistry, Biology. Or, an Engineering aspirant will have to pursue English, Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics. It is only the 5th subject that you can pick from any stream. Thus this freedom can have some restrictions.
Hence, you need to decide and choose subjects that are going to be aligned with your career choice. If you are absolutely sure of a technical course and have a goal set already, you can go ahead and choose your subjects confidently. But if you have still not decided or explored career options, you may want to keep your options open by choosing subjects that are in accordance with your aptitude, interest, skills and personality. This is where you can take into consideration your psychometric test report to make an informed decision.
Many colleges globally have started offering cross-stream courses that allow you to study a range of subjects before you decide your specific field of study. These colleges now give you the option of studying a technical course or a liberal course. Let us look at the differences between the two:

Technical course programme

Liberal course programme

It is a system of higher learning to develop in a specific field.

It is a system of higher learning to broaden the horizon by studying a general field rather than a specific one.

This is best for students who show interest in a clear academic area and already know what career they will choose.

This is best for students who may be interested in several academic areas and are willing to study a combination of subjects before choosing a specific area of study. 

Therefore, what you study after Class X will need a lot of deliberation, being mindful of your skill-set. The combination of your subjects in Class XI must be aligned with your career options, so choose wisely!



Student profile is like a database – a collection of skill-building activities that highlight your strengths, passion, interest, aptitude and love for your educational and professional growth.


  • For the student: A profile showcases the path to your learning experiences. It holds your confidence by making you aware of your accomplishments, strengths, passion, capabilities, etc. It makes you conscious of your inner self and purpose.
  • For the college/university: For the admission counsellor who does not know you in person, your profile is a testimony that defines you. It provides a deep insight into not only your academic skills but also your life skills, so essential for the 21st century workplace. 


There has been an 800% increase of students who got above 90% in their Class XII exams and a 119% growth in those who scored more than 95%. 

  • Is it then a nightmare for students who don’t score a 90% or a 95% to secure a place in their dream College?
  • What is the plan adopted by universities when there is such a large volume of applications from students securing such high percentages?

The answer to both of the above questions is that colleges around the world, including many in India, value a student’s potential and not only marks obtained in a certain examination. They emphasise more on a holistic development of students with a well-rounded personality. It means that colleges will continue the tradition of cut-offs for sure, to eliminate students, but you will not be able to get into a college, only based on your academic scores.


  1. Seeing the larger picture: Explore and identify the career you wish to pursue based on your interests, map them with the psychometric test analyses and create a focussed goal as early as possible.
  2. Equipping with the required skill-set: Having set your goal, understand the requirements of the career path you want to pursue and prepare accordingly. Your skill set should be able to demonstrate: 
    • enthusiasm and curiosity for your subject
    • the capacity to be an autonomous learner
    • active thinking and reflection towards your chosen course
  3. Creating an action plan : Invest your time in activities that will not only showcase your talents but also help you develop new skills which may help you in your pursuits further and take you closer to your dream course and college. These include:
    • Enrolment into extra academic courses / tests to show academic interest
    • Co-curricular experiences that complement the academic process
    • Extra-curricular activities that exhibit passion as well as 21st century skills like communication, collaboration, creativity, innovation etc
    • Internships / Work experiences to learn essential skills required in the workplace of your chosen career
    • Community Service / Volunteering in order to stay socially connected, be tolerant towards diversity, multiculturalism and develop a sense of purpose
    • Summer enrichment programs to utilise your time towards enhancement of knowledge as well as to learn through innovative and experiential methods
    • Resume building to summarise your career objective along with your school education,  skills and training, work experience, accomplishments etc. Your resume will also help you apply for scholarships and financial aid. 
  4. Creating the right blend: Strike the perfect balance between curricular and co-curricular activities. 



Mentoring is a continuous process that has to do with “helping, giving advice, supporting and encouraging students to manage their own learning in order to maximise their potential, develop their skills, improve their performance and become the person they want to be” (Parsloe, 2009).  Here, students are mentored at a regular level throughout the journey of choosing their career path. 


A mentor helps in creating a relationship that builds trust, faith and confidence between the mentor and the student by :

  • Understanding individual needs of a student, in order to lay the roadmap to be followed for progression of the chosen career path.
  • Supplementing the process of creating a career path by identifying specific learning opportunities.
  • Providing guidance, motivation and the willingness to succeed by setting achievable targets.
  • Building a strong profile for students with personalized roadmaps for admissions to colleges in India or abroad.
  • Guiding students for qualification of scholarships to various universities.
  • Giving information about internship programs, academic courses, summer courses, etc.
  • Setting up timelines for profile-building activities.
  • Encouraging interactive discussions to understand additional requirements or challenges faced by the student.
  • Collecting evidences of skill – building activities, achievements, academic grades, predicted scores, etc.
  • Providing unbiased feedback on the progress made by the student in terms of future readiness.

Mentoring is a lifelong process. In our association with students, we hope to touch lives and build relationships through this process. We strive to empower students to develop confidence in themselves, have control over their own lives and establish a meaningful existence realising their own sense of purpose in life. 


Under this programme, we guide students to find their ideal university match and help them make informed decisions about their career. 

This process can begin as early as Class 8th and is often recommended so that students feel confident in their abilities once it’s time for them to take decisions about university.

Classes 8-9

  • Conduct Psychometric analysis to measure aptitude, interest and personality
  • Assist students to pursue interests beyond their School work
  • Exposure to events like career fairs and excursions, informative career sessions, career research activities, webinars, online learning programmes, internships, competitions etc.
  • Give knowledge about Summer workshops
  • Prepare for advanced courses
  • Continuous mentoring to measure interest areas for higher studies

Classes 10-12

  • Psychometric profile evaluation
  • Stream selection process
  • Workshops and Seminars
  • Mentoring
  • Profile-building
  • Tips on Preparation for university level entrance examinations
  • University Applications – Predicted Grades, Transcripts, Letters of Recommendations, college essays, VISAs
  • Providing extensive support throughout the university application journey.

What my students say

here are a few words that keep me going

My Blog

This is where I give expert tips and insights to students on different aspects of the entire journey of their career path

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